Bonnie Nadzam
Bonnie Nadzam is an American writer and Zen Buddhist priest and chaplain. Her poetry, essays and fiction have appeared in Harper's, Orion Magazine, The Iowa Review, Kenyon Review, and many other journals and magazines. Her first novel, Lamb, was the recipient of The Center for Fiction's Flaherty-Dunnan First Novel Prize, translated into several languages and made into an award-winning independent film. Her second novel, Lions, was a finalist for the PEN USA Literary Award in Fiction. She is also co-author of Love in the Anthropocene with Environmental Ethicist Dale Jamieson. She holds a BA from Carleton College, an MFA from Arizona State University, and an MA and PhD from the University of Southern California, She is currently a Research Fellow with the Harvard Animal Law and Policy Program. She can be reached via her agent at